IMPACT: MatrixCarbon has a very low ash content as indicated by its minimal impact on pH. Even when added to distilled water, it does not raise pH above 7.0.
DENSITY: MatrixCarbon allows for optimal water movement and interaction with its dense network of large pores for binding.
FILTRATION: MatrixCarbon by Seachem is a truly unique, bituminous coal-based, activated carbon, formed as a spherical carbon bead for optimum hydrodynamics and will not pack.
CARBON: MatrixCarbon is not only a chemical filter, but a mechanical filter as well due to its ability to mechanically filter out objects of molecular size, functioning through macropores and micropores.
USE: 150 mL of MatrixCarbon will easily treat 400 L (100 US gallons) for several months. Use MatrixCarbon in a filter bag and rinse before use. For best results, MatrixCarbon should be placed so as to maximize the flow of water through it. This product may also be used in a canister filter, chemical filtration module, box filter, or any high flow area of a trickle filter.