BALANCE: Achieving equilibrium by increasing the essential mineral/electrolyte levels in the water to align with and support stability of the carbonate hardness.
EQUILIBRIUM: Does not contain sodium or chloride (which can be detrimental to a planted aquarium at elevated levels).
DIRECTIONS: To raise mineral content/general hardness (GH) by 1 meq/L (3 dH), add 16 g (1 tablespoon) for every 80 L (20 US gallons) when setting up an aquarium or when making water changes (add to new water). It is normal for this product not to dissolve right away and it will not harm the tank. It will dissolve over the course of about 12 hours.
SUITED FOR: Equilibrium is preferably suited for use with RO (reverse osmosis) and DI (deionized) water or any mineral deficient water.
MINERALS: Equilibrium is specifically designed to establish the optimal mineral content for the planted aquarium. When this mixture is added to the aquarium it will impart a slight haze that should clear within 15–30 minutes.