SAFETY: Flourish Excel is completely safe for fish, however if you have Anacharis in an aquarium in which you are dosing Flourish Excel, then it is recommended to use it every other day rather than daily.
CARBON PRODUCTION: All plants require a source of carbon, and Flourish Excel is a great and convenient source of bioavailable organic carbon.
PHOTOSYNTHESIS: Plants need to create long chain carbon compounds (photosynthetic intermediates). With the use of Flourish Excel, you can skip the need for long chain carbon compounds and instead introduce ready-made, structurally similar compounds.
TREATMENT: On initial use or after a major (> 40%) water change, use 1 capful of Flourish Excel (5 mL) for every 40 L (10 US gallons). Thereafter, use 1 capful for every 200 L (50 US gallons) daily or every other day. For smaller dosing please note that each cap thread is approximately 1 mL.
IRON PRODUCTION: Flourish Excel also possesses iron reducing properties, thus promoting the ferrous state of iron (Fe+2), which is more easily utilized by plants than ferric iron (Fe+3).